Faire du volontariat international dans l'association Concordia

Concordia : Organizing voluntary projects in France and worldwide

Join French local communities as a volunteer !

Our national non-governmental and non-profit organisation has been promoting peace and intercultural exchanges through international voluntary service projects since 1950.

Working with a large number of partners around the world (click here to see our partners’ map), our work consists in :

  • Organizing voluntary projects in France so that volunteers from every corner of the globe can come and give a hand to our local communities (if you are looking to volunteer on one of our projects in France, click here and contact our nearest partner organization !),
  • Giving French volunteers the opportunity to volunteer on our partners’ projects : by enrolling them and preparing them for the projects,
  • Organizing training sessions and seminars on many thematics (cultural diversity, environmental issues, human rights, etc) based on informal and non-formal education methods.

​The voluntary projects we offer in France are short term (International Workcamps) and mid/long term (EVS, Service Civique) – and no two projects are the same ! Helping out on one of our projects can mean protecting the environment, restoring a classified monument, promoting cultural or traditional heritage, plan activities for a youth community centre, supporting a local charity, etc…



The objectives of Concordia’s international projects around the world

  • Education – helping young people to grow by acquisition of collective life.
  • Culture – favouring the youth exchanges on an international level, always emphasizing the values of peace, friendship and mutual respect.
  • Social – taking part in concrete actions of solidarity, as well as supporting a civic attitude
  • Social economy – contributing to realisation of local development, in favour of the environment, patrimony, tourism and socio-educational animation.


Concordia’s staff and long-term volunteers

We now have a total of 40 fully employed staff members and over 50 long term volunteers working for us all over France – in our head office based in Paris, and our 11 regional offices – click here to see where you can find us !


Our partners around the world

As well as our hundreds of partners around the world, that you can see via our map of partners, here, we are a part of 2 umbrella organizations : 


Have a look at our Youtube channel – don’t forget to subscribe !
11 juillet 2024 - Corps Européen de Solidarité | Développement durable | Europe | Volontariat
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20 juin 2024 - Actualités | Conseil d'Administration | Tribune
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13 juin 2024 - Actualités | CES | Corps Européen de Solidarité | Normandie - Maine | Témoignage | Volontariat
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