Concordia - My ESC experience in Amiens

My ESC experience in Amiens

Do you like to travel, meet new people, help others, leave a positive impact in the world and want to try a life changing experience? Guess what? You are in the right place! Concordia association is here for you.

Bonjour! My name is Michelle Moreno and I am a 25 years old girl from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. So, if you are wondering why and what brought me to Amiens, France, keep reading this!

Let’s start with the beginnig. I have always wanted to do a cultural exchange to get out of my confort zone and know other cultures and lifestyles. I think everybody should do something like this once in their lifetime. This oportunity can change your perspective and way of thinking in every little thing. That way, you would grow as a person.

In my case, due to COVID-19 crisis, I was unemployed and eager to work. A friend of mine told me about European volunteer projects. I haven’t heard of those before, so I started to search information online. When I realized how many chances I had, I was blown away. Why haven’t I heard about this before? It’s a wonderful opportunity!

After reading all the details, I choose an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) project. I send multiple requests to different European countries and I was chosen by Concordia. To collaborate with them in their delegation in the north of France, in the city of Amiens. I was so happy!

But what is an ESC? The European Solidarity Corps, is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.

The ESC allows you to engage in various projects. They can cover fields such as education, healthcare, social and professional integration, assistance in the supply of food and other products, shelter construction, site construction, renovation and management, reception and integration of migrants and refugees, environmental protection and natural disaster prevention.

If you decide to volunteer, you will receive adequate training before leaving and when you arrive.

So after having an idea of what ESC is and how it works, let’s go back to my particular case. It’s great for me to be in France for 6 months, because I can learn French, besides many other things. I have just started volunteering with Concordia and everything is splendid. Amiens is a beautiful city! I am very excited for this adventure!

Don’t think about it, seize the opportunities Europe has to offer! 🙂

Publié le jeudi 17 juin 2021 à 12:47:00

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