Concordia - Formation Erasmus+ à destination des travailleurs jeunesse !

Formation Erasmus+ à destination des travailleurs jeunesse !

« Once upon the time, a Migrant’s journey: Empowerment and Resilience »

1ère formation : Grèce – Evia : Du 24/08/2021 au 01/09/2021

2ème formation : France – Lodève : Du 20/10/2021 au 28/10/2021

Thématiques : Migration, identités, polarisation, radicalisation
30 participant.e.s par activité

Partenaires : Grèce, Portugal, Hongrie, Bulgarie, Espagne

L’objectif de ce projet était de former les participants à des outils spécifiques ainsi qu’à un bagage théorique pour avoir une approche pertinente sur les questions migratoires, l’identité, la polarisation et la radicalisation.

Les formations ont alterné des modules théoriques centrés sur l’interculturalité, la migration, le phénomène de polarisation et les notions d’émancipation avec des modules d’apprentissage via les outils de la Bibliothèque humaine et du Théâtre de l’Opprimé.


Découvrez le témoignage de Constança :

« I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in both the training courses from this project.

In the first part, in Greece, I got the chance the learn a great amount of new things. Even though my study area is related to the topic of migration, there were still many things I didn’t know, or was not aware of. When in Greece, we talked a lot about the different meanings of migration and migrant, the European policy on migration and the policies of different specific countries, as well as having discussed what could or should be changed. We worked on a human library, that was both amazing to do during the project, and an excellent tool to use in the future.
For the second part, in France, we focused on extremism and radicalization. Here I learned a lot about what exactly these terms mean, and how to apply them properly. Also, we learned about the implications of radicalization and extremism, and debated a lot about what we can or not call extremist or radical. Also, we challenged ourselves, by trying to identify our own extremisms.

In a sum, I believe that the project went out very successfully and, having participated in several different projects before, I can say that this one was done wonderfully. The trainers were the best I ever met in a project, and the organization was accessible to us. It was a pleasure to be part of this project! »

Constança Seborro – Portugal

Publié le jeudi 13 janvier 2022 à 09:53:00

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