Concordia - Echange de jeunes SU4HR : témoignages des participants !

Echange de jeunes SU4HR : témoignages des participants !


Stand Up For Human Rights !

Du 18 au 26 novembre 2017, notre délégation Auvergne a organisé un Échange de jeunes sur le thème : Droits de l’Homme et migrations. Cet échange a eu lieu à Theix, et a réuni des participants de 5 pays différents : Espagne, France, Italie, Roumanie et Ukraine.


Au cours de cette semaine, nous avons réalisé des activités et des débats autour de ce thème, en utilisant des méthodes d’éducation populaire pendant différents ateliers.

Cet échange de jeunes était l’occasion pour les participants de partager leur points de vue sur le respect des droits de l’Homme et la situation des migrants dans leur pays. Nous avons vraiment passé une très bonne semaine, remplie d’échanges et de découvertes !

Nous partageons aujourd’hui avec vous quelques témoignages de participants !


« Cette semaine a été pour moi une merveilleuse occasion de rencontrer et passer du temps avec des jeunes d’autre pays. J’ai été ravie de pouvoir échanger sur nos cultures et sur nos idées et visions. J’ai appris sur les droits humains et sur leur état de respect ou non dans différents pays, j’ai pris conscience de certaines situations et cela m’a donné envie de m’engager plus. J’ai aussi beaucoup appris sur moi-même, sur la vie en communauté (qui s’est bien passé, cela a brisé mes craintes). Je garde de ce séjour des connaissances nouvelles sur l’animation et la formation de groupe, sur l’éducation populaire, je garde en mémoire de belles rencontres et espère revoir ces personnes à l’avenir, je garde l’envie de participer à d’autres échanges de jeunes! Merci! »
Pauline, France


« Even if it was not part of  my domain (I am studying math), human rights, in those days I have learnt a lot about human rights and the situations in which some of the people from different cities or countries are living. Besides I have met people from different countries, amazing people and I hope I will meet them again !Even if we had a schedule for each day, we still had time to have fun! Miss those moments. This was my first Erasmus + experience and it taught me a lot and I am grateful for that! »
Raluca, Roumanie


« For me it was the fourth Erasmus+ project I took part in…and as the last ones this experience gave a huge boost to my self confidence. I came back home motivated and enthusiastic. During the week spent in Theix we learned and shared  ideas, feelings and experiences, exploring best practices and acquiring new skills. We learned more about the topic, human rights, comparing the situation in our different countries and starting an intercultural reflection about it. We gained an international network of friends and with some of them we  have already started to think about future project to develop together. I really want to say thanks to every participant, for the energies and the contribution brought to the project, and of course to the great staff which created and supported the project in every moment.Hope to meet all again in future »
Daniela, Italie


« This youth exchange has been my third experience and I can tell one of my best because of the people. Really nice students and volunteers. The topic was a bit sad but pretty interesting. I have learnt a lot about refugees and I had the opportunity to practice my little french. Thanks you for everything and doing possible these type of things. Thanks, thanks a lot. »
Cristina, Espagne


« When I first went to an Erasmus+ Project was last October, and I received the good news: I got the vacancy for the Human Rights YE I was waiting for two months! At first the spanish association told me that there were no vacancies, but finally I got it! As a lawyer I wanted to take part in this Project because Human rights are respected in my country, but it’s difficult to find Courses that give you theory about this subject. I got a lot of information and I paid attention to other’s mates’ opinions and speeches. The activity I liked the most was “A day in the Court”, I could put “in practice” my arguments and learn about the legal procedure. I found very nice people, there wasn’t any conflict. Thanks to the organisation and the volunteers who helped us in every moment: Leïla, Tetiana, Evie and Anne. They were always working hard to make everything great! »
Helena, Espagne


« I am proud to be part of this great project. It was an interesting and unusual experience. I enjoyed communicating with people from other countries, learned a lot about their lives and culture. The project brings people together and teaches to be more open. The coverage of human rights issues in the world allows us to assess the level of democracy in our and other countries. Also, the project has inspired the idea of thinking about the need to improve certain aspects of life. I received wonderful impressions from the culture of France and the atmosphere in general. Thank you for giving me the opportunity! »
Svitlana, Ukraine


« Experience of human right in Clermont- 2017
Did you ever prepare a cake without follow a recipe? Did you ever did an experiment just follow the intuition of your heart? this project was something like this. A lot of people with different story and way of thinking mixed in a big pot and stirred.
I didn’t know what could happen from that experiment but in my mind I had three possibility:
1 : nothing happen, nothing change;
2 : a big explosion with lava and blood everywhere;
3 : a wonderful experience with connections and fireworks.
Lucky for me, and for everyone, the third was the right one ! A wonderful group of unknown became in very quick time a big family, a place where you can always talk about you and yours ideas. So we did, we discovered from talk to talk the difference between our countries in something who should be the same for everyone but isn’t: the Human right. Talking and playing and living together we discovered step by step how much privilege we have among people who live under our same sky and at the same time how many steps behind we are with country close to us.
The experience we did in the refugee camp show me a big true of the life: the games delete all the difference of ages, color of the skin and story. A super intense revelation. Ok our world isn’t perfect but we have the responsibility of doing something and we must. Starting from the little things of he life and from ours little community we can modify, leaf by leaf, this big tree and I’m sure one day we’ll have a wonderful garden.

Francesca, Italie


« I would like to thank you for all, especially, for the location, the accommodation and the good attitude that organizators had the whole time. To be honest, this was the first time I got enrolled in a project like that and I would say that it got all the expectations I had, even if we didn’t learn too much about human rights, especially in my case, because I am studying Law at the University. I think that we got lucky because of the amazing and wonderful group we were part of. It couldn’t have been the same without them. I hope to see you in the future not only in a project, but also in another occasion. I can only express gratitude for all of you and for what you organized. Congratulations! »
Carlos, Espagne


Publié le jeudi 22 février 2018 à 09:37:00

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