Concordia - Bonjour à tous!

Bonjour à tous!

Bonjour à tous!

I´m Katerina and I´m a new volunteer for Concordia. I´m here through programme EVS – European Voluntary Service.

I´m from Czech Republic, where I finished my bachelor studies and I wanted one year break from school and I decided spent some time abroad. And EVS was best way how to do it. So I am here, in France.

Why I am right here? …to collect some new experiences about function NGOs in France, as I work in CZ in same field. This experiences will be useful for my further education and work. I´ll work here on project Café de Langues. Also to get know French lifestyle, some new places and of course meet new people.

Something about me: traveller, books lover, vegetarian and optimist in every situation. 🙂

Funny thing, I don´t speak French at all.. So staying here will be really challenging. But I hope I can do it! Wish me luck!  

See you. 

Publié le mardi 23 août 2016 à 11:30:00

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